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How to check if array contains a specified element in C programming?

To check if given Array contains a specified element in C programming, iterate over the elements of array, and during each iteration check if this element is equal to the element we are searching for. In the following example, we take an integer array arr, and check if the element x = 8 is present in this array.

How to access an array in C?

We can access any element of an array in C using the array subscript operator [ ] and the index value i of the element. One thing to note is that the indexing in the array always starts with 0, i.e., the first element is at index 0 and the last element is at N – 1 where N is the number of elements in the array.

What is array in C?

An array in C is a fixed-size collection of similar data items stored in contiguous memory locations. It can be used to store the collection of primitive data types such as int, char, float, etc., and also derived and user-defined data types such as pointers, structures, etc.

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